One of my earliest recollections is a time when I was 3 or 4 years old & the grocery delivery man asked me how I was. I promptly told him I was just fine, but my brother had diarrhea. My mother was mortified & remprimanded me soundly. Apparently she thought the discussion of bodily functions was inappropriate. I'm sure this was one of many times she wished I had had a filter. My mom had very definite ideas about what she felt were polite terms & what she considered crude. For my mom "tinkle" was fine (if whispered), but "pee" was not. She would cringe if I told her I was "sweating" & remind me that ladies don't sweat, they "perspire." "Poop?" I bet she never said that word in her entire lifetime! Needless to say, my sharing of personal information with complete strangers probably drove my mom crazy on more than one occasion.
Yes, put me in a line at the grocery store or Disney World, & I will reveal way too much about myself & my life. So when I read a couple of facebook comments about me from my sons last night, I wanted to fire off a rebuttal; however, I realized they are probably right. While I think I'm just being friendly, I realize that some people may consider my conversations to be TMI or oversharing. Oh, to be shy!!!
I have no idea what your sons' Facebook concerns were Jill, but this is one of your qualities I remember always appreciating!
Understand, of course, that I could have written the last paragraph of this blog and no one would have been the wiser. LOL
We're not concerned. Just making observations.
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