Thursday, April 29, 2010

Now What!?!

Before..............................& After

Last Sunday afternoon I was faced with a dilemma. I had the time & weather to clean out my garage, but I knew I would have to have trash at the edge of my driveway until Thursday unless I scheduled a special pickup. Obviously, I opted to go ahead with the garage clean-up & let the chips fall where they may with the trash. I actually did call the trash service on Monday & failed to reach anyone who could help me. On Tuesday I tried again & was told that they would pick up some of the trash on Thursday but the rest would have to wait until the "bulky goods day" pickup on the second Thursday in May. Yikes! I have been trying to hide from the neighbors for the past few days as I fully realize this is an eyesore, but there's no way I can make myself scarce until the second week in May. Now I'm not quite sure how to proceed. I need to get this stuff out of here but in my sedan that would be lots of trips. And I'm not quite sure where to take this stuff anyway. I've had two suggestions: to call freecycle to pick the stuff up (if there's one in our area I am so onboard for this) or throw a tarp over everything until the second Thursday in May. So check out the pictures above to see just how overwhelmingly helpful my trash service was today in picking through this trash & taking a couple of bags...Geez!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

TMI? Oversharing? Moi?

One of my earliest recollections is a time when I was 3 or 4 years old & the grocery delivery man asked me how I was. I promptly told him I was just fine, but my brother had diarrhea. My mother was mortified & remprimanded me soundly. Apparently she thought the discussion of bodily functions was inappropriate. I'm sure this was one of many times she wished I had had a filter. My mom had very definite ideas about what she felt were polite terms & what she considered crude. For my mom "tinkle" was fine (if whispered), but "pee" was not. She would cringe if I told her I was "sweating" & remind me that ladies don't sweat, they "perspire." "Poop?" I bet she never said that word in her entire lifetime! Needless to say, my sharing of personal information with complete strangers probably drove my mom crazy on more than one occasion.

Yes, put me in a line at the grocery store or Disney World, & I will reveal way too much about myself & my life. So when I read a couple of facebook comments about me from my sons last night, I wanted to fire off a rebuttal; however, I realized they are probably right. While I think I'm just being friendly, I realize that some people may consider my conversations to be TMI or oversharing. Oh, to be shy!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Not so sure about my reputation...

Preface: To say that I've been neglecting my blog is quite an understatement...Wow, my last post was in July 2009! I think twitter allowed me to express an opinion quickly & easily. Suffice it to say, I'm not really a 140 character or less kind of girl though. Now that Trent has resumed blogging & Adam has stuck with it, I realize I would kind of like to go back to it too, so here goes...

At least six months ago I dropped my iPhone & broke it. Needless to say, anyone who knew me got the details of this traumatic event along with my frustration of having AT&T provide me with "just" a phone while the problem was being resolved. I guess I do have a tendency to overshare with strangers though. Today when I was picking up a prescription at CVS the pharmacist came over to tell me he had been thinking about me. I was a little puzzled since I don't even know his name & I'm sure he doesn't know mine. As it turns out he dropped his iPhone a couple days ago & was without it for 48 hours. I don't think I'm really too flattered that he remembers that I was totally undone when this happened to me, but I was glad when he told me he was absolutely devastated too! Yes, I need a filter or a muzzle!
(Sent from my iPhone...OF COURSE)