Thursday, March 12, 2009

One thing (inevitably) leads to another . . .

While shopping for a new WVU t-shirt for myself, I went to the boys department since those shirts fit me better & are generally less expensive. I found a shirt, but before I could buy it I spotted a WVU warm-up suit in Drew's size 50% off. Naturally, I had to have this too thinking I could save it for his birthday. I then went to get a baptism gift for Tyler. After I purchased his gift, I thought that I might as well give Drew the warm-up on Sunday when Tyler will be getting lots of gifts. So, that should have been the end of it, but a couple days later when I went to Walmart to purchase a cd, I saw a WVU basketball uniform in kids' sizes so I bought both Drew & Owen a uniform. Then I needed to get something more for Tyler so I bought him a couple of WVU onesies. Things seemed to be pretty even-steven at that point, but unfortunately, before I could check out I saw Spiderman t-shirts in Owen's size. So I picked one out, then went to see if I could find something comparable for Drew & Tyler. As luck would have it, I was able to get Spiderman t-shirts for them too. I proceeded to check out without a glance to the left or right since I feared I might find something else that would be just too cute to pass up. So not only have I purchased what I had planned (a little gift for Tyler's baptism & a t-shirt & cd for me), but I have also bought a warm-up, 2 onesies, 2 basketball uniforms, & 3 t-shirts. (Think I may refrain from shopping for awhile!)

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