Friday, November 07, 2008

All Atwitter?

Just when I think I'm all new age with blogging, something new comes up . . . twittering! I'll admit I know very little about it. I don't think it's supposed to replace blogging since I read that twittering increases traffic to your blog. I'm under the impression that it may be some kind of a social network, but it seems to be something easier & less involved than facebook or myspace. Is it a low maintenance version? Who knows? I have read that there's a 180 word limit to a twitter. Would it be interesting? I guess that depends on how it's used since I really don't care too much for a bulletin that someone has gone to lunch or is watching tv. I do plan to investigate this, however. It could be fascinating or just another way to waste time on the computer!


Z said...

you can follow me on Twitter:

Anonymous said...

I have been "twittering" for about a month, and I'm addicted. Thanks for your Direct Message, by the way, about my wesite. I hope you have found Twitter as fascinating as I have. I look forward to your Twitter updates! :) ~SandySmile