What are the odds that Trent's car would be parked in the lot behind my office with a dead battery & in less than an hour, Ryan's car would be parked in front of my office with a dead battery? Well, it happened on the day of the WVU/Auburn game. Trent had come by my office to pick up his tickets. He was leaving work early to go home & cook out with friends who had come in for the game. Ryan was traveling from Marietta to go to the game & was stopping to see his grandfather on the way here. When Trent's battery conked out & wouldn't even respond to a jump, I gave him my car, called my dad (Ryan's grandfather) to see if I could borrow one of his cars, & called Ryan to ask him to pick up the keys from his grandfather. Since we were in a time crunch, Ryan & I decided we could drive his car to the game & pick up his grandfather's car afterwards. When I cleaned out my stuff to give Trent my car, I was most interested in getting my "toasty toes" footwarmers. I guess that was such a priority for me that I forgot to get both my parking pass & my garage door opener even though Trent had reminded me. So now the time crunch becomes even more of an issue as we realize that we have to go by Trent's house in Morgantown to pick up the pass & the opener.
Ryan arrives at my office, & I finish up my work. We need to go quickly to my house to change clothes & get the tickets. When we get in his car, it won't start. Fortunately, Nancy is still at work & is willing to help us jump it. The only problem is that Ryan is parallel parked & there is a car directly in front of him. He decides to push the car backwards to allow Nancy a space to pull in front of him. So he tells me to get into his car to steer, to put the car in neutral & to be sure to keep my foot on the brake. Ryan pushes & pushes, but the car won't budge. Who knew he meant to keep my foot on the brake only until he could position himself in front of the car to push! Eventually he does get the car pushed back & is able to start it with a jump. We drive to the house & decide to turn the car off & back on to be sure it will start. Well, it doesn't start back up! Three car battery problems in one day is almost unimaginable! Now we need my dad's car sooner rather than later now so I call my sister. Luckily she & Eddie bring us the car, & we are off--much later than we had hoped to be though. About halfway there I realize that I had left my "toasty toes" back at the house, but fortunately Ryan had stopped to buy some & had actually remembered to bring them along.
We battled traffic on the interstate & again in getting to Trent's house. Our thoughts of getting something good for dinner went down the drain as it got later & later. Our only option was to drive through Wendy's on the way to the stadium. Somewhere during the first half when WVU fell behind 17-3, I wondered why we had put ourselves through so much of a hassle to get to the game. The Mountaineers did not disappoint, however, & rallied to dominate in the second half & win the game. The stadium was rockin!!! It was soooo worth it!
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