It's a little time consuming to manage my weekly football activities . . . I play college pickem, pro pickem & have a fantasy team. Well, I started out my college picks with a bang! I was even perfect one week!! It all went south for me though when my Mountaineers lost to USF. I had put a huge amount of confidence points on WVU & slipped from first to fourth for the week. I have pretty much stayed there since. The pro teams for me are a crap shoot--the only thing predictable is that bad teams will beat good teams, but it's hard to tell which week that will happen. And my fantasy team . . . my starting quarterback, Drew Brees, was giving me nothing. After doing really well last year, he was struggling. Finally, I picked up a better backup QB, Jeff Garcia, & started him. He's done alright, but I still was hoping for stellar. So last week I dumped Drew Brees in favor of Kurt Warner. With Matt Leinart injured I thought Kurt would seize the opportunity & go crazy passing the ball. I decide to start Kurt instead of Jeff Garcia (who had 21 points while on my bench last Sunday) all the while thinking I have cleverly manipulated my lineup & have quite a "find" in Warner. Well, he got ZERO points for me this week!! In my two years of playing fantasy football I cannot recall any starting quarterback getting zero points. Yes, he got injured, but still. And who did finally go crazy & have a great game? Drew Brees!!! So this morning I'm dropping Warner & picking up Brees which probably means that Warner will have the game of his life next week & Brees will revert to mediocrity. I think I'm beginning to understand that I'm not quite as crafty as I thought when it comes to making the right moves.
So add to the above tracking Jay's football games via text messages every Saturday, tracking Brett's soccer via the internet & phone calls, as well as checking on Adam's FSU games via stat tracker intermittently. Of course there are WVU games to attend and games to watch on tv. And Adam's soccer podcasts as well as the Brothers in 3-Z to listen to weekly. If it wasn't so much fun, it would wear me out!
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