Thursday, June 01, 2006

Humbling Experiences

Recently I purchased an electric weedeater & learned how to use it. I have been very proud that I can now both mow the lawn & do the trimming. Last night I stopped weedeating to chat with some neighbors who were outside. In addition there were two men from Mon Power working on a pole a few feet from me. When I resumed my trimming on a rather steep bank, I tripped & feel backwards on my rear in full view of the neighbors & the Mon Power men. I could sell tickets!

No matter what the scales tell me or what size I wear it is always depressing to try on swimsuits!

The day after my nephew Jay's graduation my mom was recalling that she has now seen six grandchildren graduate from high school & would have a grandchild graduating both next year & the year after. My niece Kerry who is five looked at her & said "you'll be in a nursing home by the time I graduate." Humorous, but humbling for my mom.

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