Tuesday, April 22, 2008
New York call
For the past couple of months I have been receiving a daily call. On my caller ID it says "New York Call." Naturally, I do not answer. Often these calls come while I'm at work . . . no problem. The caller(s) don't take weekends off, however, & I receive several of these calls on Saturday & Sunday when I find it very annoying to go running for the phone only to find this caller. Years ago I subscribed to the "do not call" list to avoid solicitation, but this protects me only from companies that I do not have an account with (hello, credit card companies & Countrywide Home Loans). It also allows political surveys and apparently solicitation from universities (5 call me). In this age of caller ID I'm amazed that these people find anyone answering the phone. New York can call me till hell freezes over, but I will keep refusing to answer!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tax Day
My dad has found some renewed vigor; perhaps it is the warmer weather which promises spring; perhaps it is in his new course of physical therapy . . . I don't know. It is wonderful to see his level of activity increase as well as his joy in feeling so much better! The downside to this, however, is that he is virtually unreachable by phone because he is out & about all the time. This created quite a stressful day for me on April 15th. The problem was compounded by the fact that I have lost my business email access at home & our service provider is providing sketchy service at work. On Monday the 14th I noticed that by the end of the work day I had had no new emails past 9 am . . . usually I have at least 5 every half hour. So when my dad's accountant emailed me about his taxes, I did not get the message until nearly noon on the 15th. I called Dad, & he wasn't home. I tried his cell phone repeatedly . . . no answer. We had until 4:00 to get his checks written, his returns signed, & to get everything mailed. My anxiety increased as I was unable to reach him at 1:00 or 1:30. Finally, he returns my call & tells me he's cutting grass. "Dad, your taxes are due today, & we need to get the checks written," I state. His reply was, "Well, I'm just getting started on the grass." I interrupt to tell him "this has to be a priority!" He reluctantly agrees & tells me he will be at my office soon. He arrives about 3:30 with no time to spare, & I promptly misplace one of the forms that need to be mailed. After a quick search I decide to call the accountant to see if it can just be reproduced. Luckily, it could be, & I sent my dad on his way to get everything signed & mailed at about 3:50. Then I promptly took an Excedrine!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Drew in Third Person
Drew will be two in less than a month, and his personality has really evolved with his increased vocabulary. I have noticed however, that he talks in third person. Yes, he calls himself "Drew" not "I" or "me." So most of his sentences start with "Drew" followed by an action, i.e. "Drew waiting, Drew calling, Drew helping . . . " In an attempt at humor the other day, my brother asked Drew if he was "looking for trouble." I'm sure Drew had no clue, but he came & got my hand & went to look for the elusive "trouble." We looked under desks, behind doors, inside cabinets until he finally gave up & told me "trouble hiding." Anything that Drew can't locate is usually "hiding." Sometimes I'm not quite sure what he's saying. I used to be able to fake it with a "really" response. Now he will persist until he knows I get it. He was telling me something the other day that I couldn't understand, but he was relentless. Finally, I got it . . . he was asking for raisins & wasn't giving up until I understood & provided them. He is always interesting, always fun!
Monday, April 07, 2008
One thing in my life that has always been easy for me is dancing. I guess spending most of the years of my youth taking dance classes (ballet, toe, tap, & jazz) enabled me to quickly pick up new steps & choreography. So I began taking a zumba class fully expecting it to be easy, or at least easy to learn the steps. Well, I guess my background in dancing did not include any experience with Latin style dancing. Much of my class time is spent watching the instructor & attempting to always be moving in the correct direction so I don't plow into anyone. My problems are compounded by a lack of zumba shoes which allow the feet to slide on the rubberized floor. Well, it has indeed been a humbling experience, but I'm not giving up! I have every intention of mastering this type of dancing since it's a welcome break in the monotony of the track & the treadmill for aerobic exercise.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Winter Wrap-up

It's supposed to be spring. At least the calendar says so. But April just seems like an extension of a dreary cold March which extended from cold, damp, gray weather beginning in November. I'm not a cold weather person, but I dislike rain & damp cold most of all, so I've had a difficult few months. Although in stating this I risk hearing my sons laugh from miles away, I think I may have a touch of seasonal depression.
February brought a road trip to Nashville for Brooks' senior concert (which was wonderful!) The trip there, however, will now supplant the former "trip from hell" (a night drive through a dense fog in the mountains of Maryland with Adam & Trent). I was driving my dad with plans to stop every couple of hours to stretch & of course, stop for lunch & dinner. My dad needs to each at regular intervals for his diabetes & should walk around frequently. We stopped for lunch after getting through Huntington & proceeded west. Less than an hour later we got a call from Jan & Eddie about a little freezing rain they had encountered in the Lexington area. A few minutes later we hit the freezing rain. I was driving my dad's car & asked him where the defrost was. Well, he wasn't sure. Meanwhile my windshield had frozen solid. I ran the windshield wipers at high speed while he located the defrost. As we are driving along we see wreck after wreck after wreck. The median is littered with vehicles. The interstate going east has been shut down by police. I asked my dad where low or first gear was. Again, he was not sure since he never uses it. He begins to tell me why he prefers neutral. I suggest we stop & wait for the roads to be treated, but my dad says he would prefer to keep going & that if it's making me nervous, he will drive--which would only serve to increase my uneasiness! All of this time we are creeping along with hundreds of others at about 5 MPH with the tires on one side off the road. Finally, I pull of to the side of the road to just take a deep breath & find first gear. My dad thinks he now might like to stop & stretch. We continue to an exit but it is so icy that he finds when he tries to get out of the car that he can't stand up. I suggest getting gas, but my dad doesn't want to get it at BP--the only station off the exit. So we proceed & keep getting these updates from Jan & Eddie that we surely must be out of the freezing rain by now. Meanwhile, we hear on the radio that there have been over 100 accidents in a 5 miles stretch & that the severe weather could continue till noon the next day. Hours & hours later we finally get out of the ice. We are now nearly out of gas--the low fuel light has been on for several minutes. It's way past dinner time, but we don't want to spend any time eating so we stop for gas, snacks & to stretch. The last hour of the time was dense fog & driving rain, but we arrive in Nashville. I had mapquested the directions to the hotel, but dad assured me that Jan would just talk us through it. And she almost did except for one wrong turn. Tired, frustrated, & at the end of my rope, I stopped to ask directions which did not really help much. Finally, Brooks got one the phone with me (he tells me that I was pretty bitchy) & stayed on the line until we arrived at the hotel. Nearly everyone had weather issues--some were unable to get there at all. I don't think five minutes elapsed between putting my bags into my room & getting a glass of wine at the bar! I must say that other than the drive there, we all had a great time!!!
My second trip was our annual "gal pal" at Deep Creek, & we experienced similar weather. Fortunately, we had the option of staying in on Saturday night when the conditions were the worst. A great time with friends just hanging out!
WVU basketball has been fun to watch, both in person & on tv. It was great to go to the Pitt game with Drew & Adam. Drew loves his "hoopies" & clapped like there was no tomorrow. Amazingly, he sat in his seat & took everything in the entire time! And speaking of Drew, one day when I was taking care of him he was fussing when I put him down for a nap. The fussing then became pleading as he called for me. I attempted to stand firm until he said, "Nina, Nina, Nina, Drew CALLING!" Well, of course, I could then no longer resist going into his room.
I took a vacation day & went to Marietta to take Owen to "Horton Hears a Who." When I picked him up I told him I would take him anywhere he wanted to go for lunch--his choice was pizza at the mall food court! We both loved the movie, split a box of popcorn, & played skee-ball at the arcade. Owen amuses me when I ask him a question because he begins to answer me with either a "WELL . . . . or ACTUALLY . . . " Both are really dramatic & followed by a rather large sigh before he proceeds.
For a case of the winter blahs, nothing works better to cheer me up than some time with the grandsons!
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